Can you become a time traveler and zoom into the future? No? What if I told you there was a command for that? First, freeze the clock using the cy.clock command, then advance it instantly by N milliseconds using the cy.tick command. Today, could you implement the “Spec 11: Test how the application makes a network request every minute” lesson and confirm the application fetches a new fruit every minute?
Do Not Miss
I usually don’t compare testing tools. But tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec 6th) I will give a presentation titled “The Debate Between Cypress and Playwright“ at You might find it useful.
Previous lessons
Lessons marked with 📡 are from the Cypress Network Testing Exercises course. Lessons marked with 🔌 are from the Cypress Plugins course.
Day 1: 📡 “Spec 08: Import the JSON fixture directly into the spec”
Day 2: 📡 “Spec 14: Reloads the page until it sees the word Bananas"Cypress
Day 3: 🔌 “Lesson a3: Log the messages from the test to the terminal“
Day 4: 📡 “Spec 04: The application is showing the loading element“