One of my favorite tricks for testing sites that make GraphQL calls is to match network calls using a custom request header. Can you do it? I have set up the lesson “Spec 19: Intercept a specific request by matching the header” as an exercise.
it('matches the request using a header', () => {
// intercept any request with the request header "x-requesting: fruit"
// visit the page and confirm the network call was made
// tip: allows
// using request header(s)
// note: matching by the response header is not
// supported in Cypress v9
Unfortunately, Cypress does not allow matching network requests by the request body or its part, follow issue #8560 for updates.
A couple of blog posts
I have recently written a couple of blog posts that will teach you new tricks:
Previous lessons
Lessons marked with 📡 are from the Cypress Network Testing Exercises course. Lessons marked with 🔌 are from the Cypress Plugins course.
Day 1: 📡 “Spec 08: Import the JSON fixture directly into the spec”
Day 2: 📡 “Spec 14: Reloads the page until it sees the word Bananas"Cypress
Day 3: 🔌 “Lesson a3: Log the messages from the test to the terminal“
Day 4: 📡 “Spec 04: The application is showing the loading element“
Day 5: 📡 “Spec 11: Test how the application makes a network request every minute”
Day 6: 🔌 “Lesson a7: Re-run the tests when the source files change with cypress-watch-and-reload plugin“
Day 7: 📡 “Spec 16: Get the fruits from the test using the cy.request command“