Another year is almost over, and I hope it was a happy one for you. I know I worked hard at Mercari making our End-to-End tests better. This year I decided to focus on videos and courses instead of producing yet another Cypress Advent calendar. Ultimately, I don’t think there is much interesting work worth celebrating from the Cypress team itself (assertions inside the query chains are still broken, many of my open issues with reproducible examples were closed as stale, DeploySentinel’s test replay looks better and more feature-complete than Cypress’ cloud solution, etc).
My Chat And Help 💬
Since I left Cypress company Discord and Gitter channels, I have been answering users’ questions in Filip Hric’s and in my personal Discord servers. If you have a public example showing a problem or a testing situation, let me know: I will try answering it via a blog post or a video. The only requirement is to have an example I can run and be okay with discussing the solution publicly.
Conferences 2024 📣
I have nothing scheduled yet. If you are organizing a conference and need a testing talk or workshop - get in touch, we can discuss it. Most of my previous 170+ talks are here with videos for each talk linked if available.
Latest Blog Posts 📝
Not a blog post, but this presentation from Maine.js meetup is my latest take on running lots of Cypress tests in parallel and having local Mochawesome reports:
Fast Testing Using Cypress For Free. There is a video from the previous version of this presentation I made last month.
Latest Videos 📺
Course Updates 🎓
The year 2023 was a year of making online courses for me. Here are the lesson numbers for each course:
Cypress Network Testing Exercises - 152 lessons
Cypress Plugins - 124 lessons
Testing The Swag Store - 128 lessons
Cypress vs Playwright - 40 lessons
Cypress-split Plugin - 6 lessons
💡 Have an idea for a course lesson? Propose it in my Discord channel
Currently, I am focused on expanding the “Cypress vs Playwright” and the “Cypress-split Plugin” courses. If you want to run your E2E specs in parallel, the cypress-split plugin is your friend, and the lessons in this course show how to use it with different CI providers. Speaking of Playwright: check out this thoughtful answer to the question “Will Playwright Replace Cypress?“ by Butch Mayhew.
Course Progress Charts 📈
Tip: you can see how the lessons were added plus track your progress in each course using a chart. I think such a completion graph is much better proof that you are studying the course than any “Person X has completed the course Y” PNG certificate.
If you have any training budget left to spend in 2023, here is a 10% discount code for any of my courses HOLIDAYS2023
. The discount is good until the middle of January 2024.
Happy Holidays and talk to you next year!