My New Courses 🎉
Cypress v10 BlazeMeter Course
I have two new Cypress course announcements. The first one is a brand new free (yup, the course price is $0, but its value is priceless) course about end-to-end and component testing using Cypress v10 to be hosted by BlazeMeter University. I have recorded the course and it is being polished before its release later in July. I had some fun showing how Cypress v10 component testing is a really powerful way to test parts of the code that are hard to reach via normal end-to-end tests.
Cypress Plugins WIP Course
Cypress Test Runner includes everything necessary to run end-to-end tests. If you need more, the main functionality can be extended by the many official and 3rd party plugins. But there is no course covering the many popular plugins (I wrote 😉) like cypress-grep, cypress-recurse, @bahmutov/cy-api, etc. There is no course teaching one how to write a plugin, how to configure a plugin, and what the most popular plugins can do for your testing.
Until now.
I have started a Work-In-Progress (WIP) course that explains how plugins work and shows my popular plugins through hands-on exercises. I invite everyone to check out the free introductory lesson and then scroll through the available lessons at I will keep adding new lessons, and everyone who signs up now can suggest future lesson topics. The course probably will be 30+ hands-on lessons once it is finished. You can grab the course at the introductory price of $50. As the course approaches its completion, I plan to increase its price to several hundred dollars. It is an advanced course, so it will be worth it.
Cypress Network Testing Exercises Course
Speaking of course price increases. My course has been a joy to develop. It now includes 30 main lessons and 31 bonus lessons, which are even more advanced than the original set. Because the course has grown twice its original planned size, I have increased its price to $90.
By The Numbers
217 Cypress blog posts on my blog. Since the June Newsletter, the most interesting blog posts are:
As you can see, it is (almost) all about Cypress v10. I am glad to see my vision for component tests becoming a reality.
336 videos in my Cypress Tips & Tricks YouTube playlist
I kind of like the last video “Cypress Stub For Geolocation getCurrentPosition Method Using Sinon.js” because Sinon.js is very powerful, see my spying and stubbing examples.
433 short self-contained Cypress examples at my site, deployed from repo bahmutov/cypress-examples. I often find people “fight” against Cypress syntax, and the best cure is to look up an example matching what you are trying to do. The “cypress-examples” search is great, and you can even search it right from my page.
Talks And Presentations
The video from my talk "Front-End Test Fest" has been posted online (free registration required) at Find the slides at I will do a webinar “Speed up your Automated End-to-End Tests without Compromising on Quality“ on a similar theme later this month, sign up here.
In August, I will teach the Cypress workshop at the ng-conf conference in Utah. Sign up here. In September, I will play Wordle using Cypress at DevReach in Boston, which is always fun. More details are available here.
Murat’s Corner
Murat Ozcan is a Cypress Ambassador who is really deep into Cypress testing, and especially into component testing. Check out his repo with 300+ component tests showing Cypress component tests equivalent to React Jest / RTL / etc tests Murat has collected around the world. In this video below he is giving an overview of the repo and the component testing examples it has.
Happy Component Testing!
Thanks for great work <3