I have described in detail how to run Cypress tests using WebKit browser in the blog post “Run Cypress Tests Using WebKit Browser“ https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/cypress-webkit/. Again, I ask anyone who finds an actual bug that only shows up in WebKit and does not manifest itself in Chrome / Electron to send it my way.
I have a new YouTube handle (in addition to “glebbahmutov”). Now you can find my Cypress tips and presentations at https://youtube.com/@gleb. From all the new videos, I am especially proud of my explanation of Cypress fluent API.
I also helped a user understand the dreaded “Element Detached From DOM” error in the video below.
Tip: if you want me to help you with your testing problems, I would suggest you take my courses at https://cypress.tips/courses first and/or invite me to train you via an online workshop. Please do not DM my screenshots of your code and application 😉
I made several presentations last month. You might want to browse my “Test Angular/React/Vue/Svelte Components Without Fear“ at https://slides.com/bahmutov/test-components-without-fear. I think you will find its component testing examples useful.
My next online presentation will be at QAGlobal Summit https://events.geekle.us/qa22/ titled “The Fuzzy Line Between End-to-End And Component Tests“. The video has been recorded, the slides are done - it will be a very nice talk, I promise.
If you can join me in person at AllThingsOpen 2022, you will hear the “Tips & Tricks For Writing Fast And Maintainable Front-End Tests” presentation. I am still working on the slides for the talk.
I invite everyone to attend my Cypress online workshop next week at “Testing For Good” https://hopin.com/events/testing-for-good-workshops/registration. Donations are appreciated and go towards environmental goals.
Ambassador corners
Murat Ozcan has been busy writing lots of Cypress component tests comparing them to RTL and other testing tools. You should check out his book “CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design” at https://muratkerem.gitbook.io/cctdd/ My favorite is the “NotFound” component that makes it look like a missing chapter:
Filip Hric has written a Cypress plugin https://github.com/filiphric/cypress-plugin-api to make API testing simpler. Imagine Postman but in Cypress:
Very nice, Filip!
Honorable mention
An honorable mention goes to Simon (not an ambassador, but deserves to be) who has shown in his blog post https://dev.to/simonireilly/cypress-component-tests-for-lit-elements-web-components-45oj how to run Web Components written using Lit framework inside Cypress Component Tests. You can find my code playing with it at https://github.com/bahmutov/lit-component1.
Happy Halloween and don’t be scared of testing 👻!