Cypress Tips September 2023
My blog is ten years old, new videos, plus security testing using Cypress
My Blog Post Turns 10 Years 🎉
I published the very first blog post Simplify your life with JShint ten years ago on September 17th, 2013. Wow, this was a long time ago. If you want to read my view of blogging, check out the 10 Years Of Blogging blog post.
New Cypress Videos
I was taking a break last month, still, there are a few new and interesting videos that I would recommend:
See All Chrome Browser Command Line Flags Cypress Uses To Launch The Browser
Type Placeholders Into The Form: manpm and cypress-await example
The last two videos show this testing recipe. I highly recommend studying these examples to understand why checking for zero elements is a tricky testing case.
iJS Conference in New York
Catch me in New York next week at the iJS conference. I will teach Cypress and talk about Cypress vs Playwright.
Speaking of conferences: I made a presentation about testing code injection attacks using the new and shiny Cypress CSP experimental feature. Find the slides at
What Am I Working On?
Aside from cypress-await, I am working on something pretty interesting and exciting related to the test IDs and attributes for selecting elements. Follow my blog and YT channel for updates.
Great blog, 10 Years Of Blogging link to the second blog!
it's incredible to see how much helpful content you've shared over the years and the evolution of your work. I really appreciated your detailed insights on using Cypress for various testing scenarios.
By the way, your discussion on setting up a Cypress test replay on GitHub Actions reminded me of our recent work on building an internal dashboard using Streamlit and Google Analytics data. We also tackled the challenge of transitioning from UA to GA4 and deployed our app using a Google Cloud VM, storing data in a PostgreSQL database. You can check out our process for this here:
The automated pipeline setup we implemented might offer a streamlined approach that could be complementary to your testing workflows.
Keep up the fantastic work, and looking forward to more of your insights. See you at the iJS conference in New York!
Aman Gupta
DLT Team