Cypress Training Advent Lesson Day 1
Can you stub a network call using a fixture? Can you import a JSON fixture?
Welcome to the “Cypress Training Advent Calendar 2022” 🎉
2/3 of the people voted to have more lessons from the Cypress Network Testing Exercises course. Thus let’s start with a lesson from that course.
I will start this training calendar easy. Let’s take the application from the repo bahmutov/fastify-example and write a test using the placeholder spec files from the repo bahmutov/fastify-example-tests.
The lesson is available at - keep reading for the installation instructions.
The application
First, clone the application repo to your local machine. You can use a Git GUI app, or use Git CLI commands:
# clone using SSH Git client
$ git clone
# clone using HTTPS
$ git clone
# grab a copy of the repo using "degit" tool
$ npx degit
# change the working directory to the new folder
# if you are not already there
$ cd fastify-example
# the folder has "package.json", "server.js", etc
Install Dependencies
Ok, let's install the NPM dependencies to start the example application.
$ npm install
Run the app
Let's try running the example application locally
$ npm start
If the application starts successfully, you should see something like this in your terminal:
$ npm start
> fastify-example@1.0.0 start
> node ./server {"level":30,"time":1647465996583,"pid":76255,"hostname":"GlebMercari","msg":"Server listening at"}
Open the localhost:4200 in your browser. You should see a fruit name displayed, like "Apple" or "Banana".
The Sample Tests
Similarly, clone the “fastify-example-tests” repo to your local machine.
# clone using SSH Git client
$ git clone
# clone using HTTPS
$ git clone
# grab a copy of the repo using "degit" tool
$ npx degit
# change the working directory to the new folder
$ cd fastify-example-tests
# the folder has "package.json", "cypress.json", etc
This repo has a lot of test files in its cypress/integration
folder. These are placeholder tests to be solved. Each lesson solves a single placeholder spec file.
Install Dependencies
Install the dependencies (including Cypress)
$ npm install
Note: I am using Cypress v9.x.x to solve the exercises, but all these examples should work the same in Cypress v10+. If you find an exercise that does not work, let me know.
VSCode color theme
Before anyone asks: I used the VSCode color theme "GitHub Dark Colorblind (Beta)" to record the videos for this course, here is my .vscode/settings.json
"workbench.colorTheme": "GitHub Dark Colorblind (Beta)",
"editor.fontSize": 14
The lesson
Finally, today’s free lesson is an exercise to solve the “spec08.js” placeholder test from the “Network Testing Exercises Course”.
// cypress/integration/spec08.js
// import the fixture JSON data from the file "../fixtures/apple.json"
it('imports the fixture from JSON file', () => {
// print the imported fruit to the Command Log
// intercept the GET call to /fruit with fixture "apple.json"
// visit the site
// confirm the fruit from the fixture is shown on the page
Watch the lesson at Remember, you have 24 hours before the lesson becomes private again!
Hi Gleb, thanks. The lesson was easy, but interesting and useful. I especially like the JSON import idea and the bold in log.
Is it ok if I push your code (solution) from the lesson in my fork of fastify-example-tests?
Hi Gleb, thanks for giving us free access to preview of your course. This is a really good opportunity to test ourselves. Everything in this lesson seemed pretty straightforward just a question why did we use the {} when importing the fixture file? I had initially setup my test without the {} then after watching your solution used the {} and had to make slight modifications to the test to access the fixture data which was actually cleaner approach.